Sunday, November 02, 2008

mixed feelings about daylight savings time

Today we got an extra hour of sleep, and by midnight last night I had already wasted it by staying up late reading a book (of all things).

I have mixed feelings about the ol' daylight savings time thing. After a little Wikipedia research I now realize that summertime is actual daylight savings time, and now here in the fall / winter we're on standard time.

I guess I wish we could be on daylight savings time all year long without this fall back in fall business. It's in the wintertime that I wish we had more daylight in the afternoon (right when the sun is setting at 4:00 on a January afternoon). Of course I realize that by doing this, we'd be celebrating sunrise at 9:00 AM. Hmph.

The flip side of all this though is that falling back in fall is a nice signaling of the seasons for me. Beginning now - the next two months - is my favorite time of year, what with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and all that goes with it. I can't wait!!

So as it's now 4:30 in the afternoon, and the sun is beginning to set, I'm thinking ahead to a giant roast turkey on our dining room table, and that somehow makes it worth it.

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