Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Collegiate Peaks Wilderness: Day 3

I'll be writing a few posts on our 2008 backpacking trip to the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness in Colorado. You can see a Google Map of our hike and all of the pictures of from our trip on Flickr.

July 29, 2008

It's Steph's birthday today!

Definitely lighter day today - only 2.5miles - and slightly uphill. It didn't rain anymore last night, but it was extremely cold, to the point that Steph and I both had trouble sleeping. Our camp last night was a nice open pine setting with some cool boulder formations in the back part sitting at the base of a mountain.

We reached a fork in the trail around noon (which was our destination), but required a river crossing to get to the campsite. The girls all waded through the river, but Josh got in his head that we wanted to do some Indiana Jones-style feat by jumping rocks. He also wanted to build a pulley to pass the packs across the river which was entirely unnecessary, but well, why not. Unfortunately the line snapped and Josh snagged his pack just before it went in the river. No harm though - we all just ended up hopping across the rocks and getting over fine.

We spent the bulk of the day just walking around the area, taking pictures, and spending time at the creek. We celebrated Steph's birthday with some dehydrated ice cream sandwiches. Yum. :o)

Difficult day tomorrow - our hardest yet, must go up the pass.

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